Drifters dives into the world of Jessie Wheeler, a former homeless teen with a checkered past who goes on to become a mega superstar, but for her, fame comes with a price...
Discovered while busking on the streets by entertainment industry power couple Will and Deirdre Keating, who recognize her raw talents and take her in, she is provided with the training and connections needed to launch a wildly successful career as a singer/songwriter and actress.
But despite her success, happiness for Jessie is fleeting. Secretly she grapples with old demons from her past she finds hard to escape. She's also torn between her long-time relationship with international film star, Charlie Deacon, and an inexplicable connection to Josh Sawyer, her co-star on the popular television series, Drifters.
As Jessie struggles to decide between stability or true love, she also faces an even bigger challenge — warding off a deranged and ruthless stalker from her past who will threaten the lives of anyone close to her.